In this episode of "Podfic a Week" series, I read "Crucible" by Hamstercheese7 (hamstercheese7/buggyisbest).

Koza was riding to their distant village to see if their requests for additional water rations should be granted. The King was trusting him with this. His first mission as Alabasta’s first ever Environmental Minister. Koza would not fail, could not fail. More than anything, he wanted to regain Cobra and Vivi’s trust, their faith in him. He grit his teeth, for a moment recalling the hellish ride to war on Alubarna, the ache in his shoulder, the blinding rage in his heart. What a fool he’d been.

You can find this fic and many others in the One Piece Justice Anthology, which you can find more information about on twitter or download from


  • [00:01] Intro
  • [00:18] Author Intro
  • [00:57] Act 1
  • [10:00] Act 2
  • [16:54] Act 3
  • [32:01] Outro

You can also find this podfic on on ao3.

This podfic was based on the fic 'Crucible'.